Why you don't follow through on your goals.

Ok, that title was a bit presumptuous and over the top, but it got you here didn't it?  :)

I don't want to assume that you fall short of all your goals, but if you're normal, there are aspirations in your life that you have to "re-up" on every so often.

-Lose weight -Quit a bad habit -Workout more often -Save a certain amount of money -Spend more time with family -Invest into your spiritual life -etc

I think there are a few main reasons why we don't follow through on these goals.

1) We don't actually believe we can accomplish them.

The details are different for each of us, but there seem to be some goals that stay just out of our reach. Before we talk about how we can hit those goals, you need to really believe that you can. You need to visualize it as if it already happened. What would it look like to be at your goal weight? What would it feel like to have conquered that elusive habit or to be where you want to be spiritually?

The reason why this is so important is that if you don't believe you can accomplish the goal, you are done before you even begin. Remember this line.

When there is hope in the future, there is power in the moment.

Your future must have hope. This is absolutely critical. Hope is the fuel for you to make the right decisions every day.

2) Lack of accountability.

If there isn't someone you're talking to on a consistent basis about your goal and checking in with, it is often nothing more than a pipe dream. It more often than not quickly descends into a "I need to do this someday" idea.

Having someone that keeps you accountable forces you to realize that conversations will happen and responsibility for decisions will take place.

It is also powerful thing to have public accountability. Telling a group of friends or even posting your goal and progress publicly on social media can have positive results.

Many times, moving it from an intention to responsibility just involves bringing other people into the journey.

3) Lack of repercussions.

So what happens if you don't hit your goal?

If nothing, most likely nothing will be accomplished.  Hope is the most important motivator, but pain avoidance is hardwired into our DNA.

Think about it. Even the laziest person will run if they're being chased.

Whatever your goal is, set up some repercussions. If you don't lose the weight, you have to buy someone dinner. If you don't quit the bad habit, you have to fast something you love for a period of time.

Get creative.


One last thing I want to bring to your attention. I have been looking for a solution in my own personal life for me to hit a couple goals I'd really like to accomplish before the end of 2012. In light of everything we've talked about thus far, I decided to use a web service called stickk.


You can go to the website to get more information, but what I love about it is that you can solve two of our biggest hurdles by using their service and it's absolutely free. You can set up accountability partners, coaches, and even repercussions.

Feel free to check it out and let's follow through our goals!

So what are your goals? What have you done that has helped you hit those? Do you use a different service that has helped?  I'd love to hear your comments below!