10 Values of Voice Church

Values are a funny thing. They're often spoken but that doesn't make something any more real than me shouting "I have washboard abs." No matter how much I repeat that, the reality is I have a one pack at best. Or as my kids say, I'm comfortable.

No, values are not spoken. They're revealed.

Revealed by my words, but more by my actions; my habits, attitude, spending, time, priorities and relationships.

Values are really just pre-choice choices. They not only determine what you do before it's convenient to live by them, but especially when it's most difficult. For example, if your value is to be generous, you don't just set it aside during a recession. Those are the moments when you find out what you acutally value. Those are the seasons when your true values are REVEALED.

Many times, scarcity bring clarity.

So, with that said, the Voice Church team wanted to be really clear about what we said we valued as a church. Language is important so these ten statements are loaded with meaning for us. They've already pushed us out of our comfort zones many times. But they push us to become the kind of church we dream of being and away from the convenient and short sighted church we are CONSTANTLY being pulled towards.

So here they are. Here are our ten values. I've also included a link to our podcast at the end where we take more time to explain these ten. Hope they help!

  • Jesus is central - Jesus is the center of all we do and all we are.
  • We leave the 99 - We join God as He focuses on and loves those far from Him. We will do anything short of sin to reach them.
  • We practice irrational generosity - We respond to a generous God by being sacrificially generous.
  • God still speaks -  God wants to speak with each person, through each person, and through us as a church.
  • You belong before you believe - Relationship first because rules without relationships lead to rebellion but rules within relationship lead to true life.
  • We take a coach approach to spiritual growth- We intentionally help people discover, develop and live out their unique God design.
  • Every person matters to God - We’ll never meet someone Jesus didn’t die for. We want every guest to feel that we were expecting them and are glad they were here.
  • God deserves our best - We think like people of action and we act like people of thought giving our best effort with the resources we have.
  • We live on mission - Spiritual maturity is revealed by how we spend our time, finances and talents. We join a God who is active in Voice, in the community and around the world.
  • There is ONE church - Voice is just one small part of what God is doing around the world.  We will use our resources to support, equip, and cheer on as many local churches we can.

Here a link to our podcast if you're more of an auditory learner.

Or you can listen to the soundcloud stream right here.